

Microneedling is one of the most successful and popular skin rejuvenation treatments in Dubai due to its significant advantages. It is a collagen-introducing treatment that works for weeks after treatment and improves problem areas of the skin. Microneedling is also available at Aesthetica Clinic in Dubai for even better performance.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a cosmetic treatment that helps smooth the skin’s texture and reduce the appearance of scars. It includes pricking the skin with small, sterilised needles to create micro-wounds, which stimulate collagen production and help to soften scars over time. This treatment softens the appearance of facial acne scars while also enhancing large pores, sun damage, stretch marks, and fine lines and wrinkles. It also improves product absorption, allowing creams and serums to penetrate the skin more effectively. It’s tolerable, and you’ll be able to go home and start recovering immediately.

Microneedling is considered one of the best natural skincare methods because it does not damage the skin or the epidermis. Microneedling has many advantages, including the fact that it is appropriate for all skin types. For best results, we suggest several microneedling treatments.

To ensure your comfort, the skin will be cleansed and dried until a numbing cream is applied to the treatment area. The microneedling tool will then be smoothed over the area, creating tiny punctures in the skin. It will activate the body’s natural healing response, creating more collagen. After treatment, a serum or cream may be applied to soothe the skin or help boost the microneedling result. Depending on how large the treatment area, the procedure usually takes 30 minutes to complete.

Microneedling: Before treatment
  • Avoid retinoids and treatments for autoimmune disease for 24 hours before your treatment
  •  Avoid sun exposure to the area to be treated for 24 hours prior
  • Arrive at Aesthetica Clinic ready for your procedure with a clean face and no makeup
  • Do not schedule a microneedling appointment if you have used Accutane or Isotretinoin within the past six months
How microneedling works?

Microneedling works by creating tiny, invisible vertical perforations in the skin with a special “micro-pen” that includes twelve precisely spaced microneedles in a small cartridge. The needles in this micro-pen make tiny holes in the skin as it passes through it, without injuring the superficial layer of the skin or the epidermis. As a result, the skin’s natural wound-repair mechanism is activated, and new collagen and elastin are produced to repair the micro-perforations. It promotes skin renewal from the inside out.

What to expect after microneedling?

Mild redness and swelling may occur after microneedling, but this dissipate over a few days. While healing, the skin may feel tight and flake. Overall recovery time depends on the extent of the treatment area and can range from 1 to 5 days. It’s best to avoid the sun for the first few days to prevent getting sunburned. Most patients will need several procedures before seeing any improvement, as the body needs time to recover and stimulate collagen production. Following your microneedling treatment, Aesthetica Clinic will provide you with information on how to care for your skin.

Who is a good candidate for microneedling?

Microneedling will help you enhance the appearance of your skin texture, reduce acne scars, and repair traumatic scars. This treatment should not be used on individuals who have keloid lesions, have a history of severe eczema, psoriasis, other chronic illnesses, or are immunosuppressed. The best way to establish if this treatment is right for you is to arrange an appointment with one of our practising clinicians at Aesthetica Clinic. We can assess your scars and establish an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your needs.

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