How to care for your skin during Ramadan

How to care for your skin during Ramadan

Dr Fatima Zohra Rezgui- GP Dermatology

First, let us cease this opportunity to wish you all Ramadan Kareem may this holy month showers you all with its endless blessings

Then, it is no secret that Ramadan rhythm soon shows on our skin and maybe, there are some patterns that we can correct in order to help our skin adjust to all the challenges that we experience during the holy month.

So let’s get to it! Starting with a solid one, moisturizers! Skin is barely enough hydrated during the rest of the year so you can only imagine the state of it while fasting. I can’t emphasize enough on the importance of moisturizing, multiple times a day and before sleep. Furthermore, dry skin will absorb less and less the treatments that you are maybe applying to moisturize, nourish or treat it as permeability is directly linked to the skin quality and state, that is why we need to maintain a good level of hydration and help the creams absorption & penetration by applying them on a clean skin, with a gentle massage, especially around the eyes. Many chose to take a break from makeup during Ramadan for cultural reasons, fun fact, it is a smart choice, as again the skin is already dehydrated and most cosmetics up only aggravate the situation! Without any doubt drink more water after breaking your fast and a few more sips before sleeping, although these are well known evidences but ultimately neglected, especially towards the end of the month after our body has been challenged long enough to the breaking point where we choose sleep over any other vital need! And yes you should prioritize sleep as much as you can, while trying to fulfil the many spiritual and social commitments involved in this month, as sleep deprivation or sleep restriction have shown long term as well as immediate negative impact on the skin, from decreased elasticity, aggravated dehydration & aging sings such as fine/deep lines and pigmentation. Sleep restriction and dehydration are also greatly incriminated in inducing and worsening dark circles, which are very challenging to treat… It is crucial not to skip your skincare routine during Ramadan, from cleansing to moisturizing & SPF, if anything repeat it over the day! Apply eye cream more frequently, choosing products enriched with brightening agents, antioxidants and vitamins (E, C & K) in addition to a ten-minute cold compress morning routine. Hyaluronic acid gels and serum definitely help a great deal with hydration and we happen to offer a good range at the clinic from topicals to injectable in addition to super-hydrating facials and eye-masks, feel welcome to consult with our specialists.

Food & Nutrients.  Although most of us know what type of food would be healthier for our body & skin, it is hard to resist the temptation of a nice table after fasting. Let us try to have a colorful plate of vegetable and reasonable amount of carbs & protein, less red meat & dairy and the least possible amount of fried food, sugar and sugary drinks, as they are known to trigger acne break out and worsen dehydration with its negative impact that we have discussed earlier. Dairy create some controversy as we need the probiotics to reinforce our gut health but at the same time, they seem to play a major role for acne exacerbation, due to the high amount of sugar& whey protein they contain,  it is important to  balance the intake and favor natural non-sugary  low fat yogurts. Low fat dairy are preferred over skimmed-milk based ones as the latter contain more sugar. Introduce vitamins & mineral supplements to your diet, especially you are already borderline or in deficit. In some cases, IV therapy could be the correct option for you, whether right before Ramadan or during, as it could be quite challenging to keep up with supplements and correct deficits while fasting. You are again welcome to consult with our IV therapy specialists.

In summary, in-clinic treatments such as hydrating facials, skin boosters & IV therapy can tremendously help maintain a healthy and beautiful skin during the holy month but your skincare routine, diet, water intake and sleep habits are the key factors to protect and enhance the skin

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