Near-infrared (NIR) skin tightening

Skin tightening with near-infrared light (NIR) helps ageing, sagging, and creepy-looking skin appears tighter and younger.It works with your body to naturally encourage the production of new collagen, giving you excellent benefits without the risks or expense of plastic surgery or Botox anti-wrinkle injections.

The process can restore ageing skin without discomfort, with only little (if any) side effects and minimum downtime and is less invasive than chemical peels or laser resurfacing. In comparison to ‘quick-fix options like facials and home-use firming lotions, it gives longer-lasting results.NIR is safe for all skin types and can be used on most parts of the body, including cellulite-prone areas.

The most common regions we treat are the

  •  jowls and chin
  • crow’s feet
  •  upper arms
  •  hands
  •  abdomen
  •  thighs
  •  forehead

The outcome may differ from one person to person.

What is near-infrared skin tightening?

Skin tightening with near-infrared (NIR) is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure.
It penetrates the tissue underneath the skin’s surface with infrared light radiation while keeping the top layer of skin unharmed.

How does it work?

The NIR method uses a safe-level infrared light that can penetrate the skin’s deeper layers. The light heats the water present in the skin, causing collagen fibres to constrict and tighten.
It also activates fibroblasts, which help skin cells heal and make new collagen. It will help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines while also providing long-term firmness to drooping skin.
The top surface layer of skin is unaffected by the NIR light energy since it only heats the deeper layer of collagen.

What happens during the treatment?

A cooling gel is usedon your skin before we begin the treatment.The NIR handpiece is then moved over the targeted parts of your skin. It raises the heat of your skin until it reaches a comfortable working temperature of 39 to 42 degrees Celsius. We keep the temperature at this level for another 10 to 15 minutes.The entire procedure should take about 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the region we’re treating.

Is the treatment painful?

During NIR skin tightening, you should experience no discomfort.You will have a warm sensation comparable to that of lying on a sunbed, which may be mildly uncomfortable.The handpiece features a built-in cooling technology that prevents your skin’s surface from getting too warm.But if you become uncomfortable, we can apply the extra cooling gel.

Are there any side effects?

You should expect some redness following the treatment because it entails heating your skin to a relatively high degree.There may be some minor swelling, but this, along with the redness, should subside within a few hours (24 hours maximum).Aside from that, there is no downtime, and you can resume your normal routine soon after treatment.

How soon will I see the results?

After treatment, you will observe a difference in the firmness of your skin.
The skin will feel smoother, and you will notice some improvement once oedema has subsided (usually within 24 hours).On the other hand, the most major results appear gradually over the next two or three months. As the skin creates new collagen, the tightening becomes more evident throughout this time.

How many treatments will I need?

Some people have seen their desired outcomes after just one therapy.However, most people benefit from a series of 3 to 6 sessions spaced up to 3 weeks apart.
Depending on their skin state and expectations, some patients may require up to eight sessions.During your procedure consultation, we’ll talk about the amount and frequency of treatments you’ll need to have the best outcomes.

How long do the results last?

The NIR skin tightening therapy can reduce some of the obvious indications of skin ageing.
The treatment’s effects are usually expected to last at least a year, and in some cases, up to two years.However, NIR cannot entirely stop the ageing process, and you may require follow-up treatments to maintain your results.

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