Tummy tuck / Abdominoplasty

Tummy tuck / Abdominoplasty

A more detailed discussion on the tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty is called for as a special category because it is so popular and the results are dramatic and very impressive. Re-sculpting the shape of the tummy area (abdomen) is at the core of the procedure and while it gently eliminates fat and excess loose skin while simultaneously tightening the abdominal muscles, it succeeds in reversing the shape to the pre-birth and pregnancy days. The Aesthetica team is well aware that much of the excess tummy skin after losing a lot of weight or after pregnancy does not respond well or effectively to exercise and only a skilled practitioner can restore it to its pristine condition.

The surgeon might add liposuction to ensure a better definition and contour of the waistline. The results are consistent and long-lasting in cases where the patient follows a healthy lifestyle and promise years of gratifying comfort.

The Aesthetica dictate does share with clients the fact that tummy tucks are not a substitute for weight loss or for an appropriate exercise program.

The idea is to return the body to the pre-pregnancy days and tone it for a better sense of self. By the same measure Aesthetica also recommends the tuck for males who may have undergone serious surgery for are facing the flaccid skinfolds after a drastic dieting regimen.

Although this procedure is not recommended to correct stretch marks, it can help improve the appearance as excess skin is removed and tightened.

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