Lip Rejuvenation for Beautiful, Plump, Natural-Looking Lips

Lip Rejuvenation for Beautiful, Plump, Natural-Looking Lips

A beautiful face is best accentuated by lips with great proportion, volume and shape. Fuller lips are widely considered to be indicators of good health, youth and beauty.

Genetics and the natural process of aging may leave your lips lacking that much sought-after plumpness, reducing the impact they would be able to have on your overall facial aesthetic and adding years to your appearance.

Aesthetica Clinic can help restore symmetry, fullness and character to your lips through their careful artistic technique of using Hyaluronic Acid fillers.

Benefits of Lip Augmentation

Some of the most common reasons people considering rejuvenating their lips is:

  • To highlight their facial features
  • To help counteract the signs of aging
  • To reduce the visibility of fine lines around the lip area, as a result of sun exposure or smoking
  • To balance facial symmetry
  • To reduce gum visibility

Lip Augmentation requires minimal downtime and you can return to your normal activities on the same day, with some bruising or swelling to follow within 7 days; which is completely normal.

Although results are instant, the full and accurate results usually show after 7 days once the lips have settled. Depending on your metabolism, fillers last around six month on average.

Our clients receive exceptional care and thorough personalised consultations, and recommendations based on individual needs, personality, and expectations. Book your exclusive consultation today!

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