Three easy things to do at home during a lockdown

Three easy things to do at home during a lockdown

Little did we know a few weeks back that our lives would be entirely changed as of now. We are in the middle of a lockdown and we have no clue what is coming next. You must have exhausted the searches on google as to what to do when at home during a quarantine. You called all your long-lost friends, posted pictures of yourself with the fancy Dalgona coffee and binge watched Netflix too. But here are some unique things to do during an unexplored time like this.

Knowing the Unknown

The problem with all us immortals is fear of the unknown. With jet speed connectivity of internet, we are bombarded with news, posts and articles leading to a lot of confusion. The most important thing is to not panic. Well, easier said than done. With unpredictable changes at so many levels in life, it is harder than it seems to be. Speaking of knowing the unknown, look inside you. This is the best time in life to introspect. And here are a few workable ideas to do them.

Meditate While being a Yogi is a farfetched idea in lazy dull days like these, it is the best one to explore. You have time on you. The world is quiet, and the time is right. Find a comfortable spot in your house. You can even create a Zen Area to meditate. Guided meditations are available online, you can support your initial sessions with that. The key is to do it every day. Your mind will wander a lot, but considering your activities are lesser these days, you will find it easier to concentrate.

Write how you feel As you write, your thoughts and ideas gain a voice. Start with the simplest of things that you can. You don’t have to have Shakespearean skills to pen down your emotions. Keep them short and clear.


Eat Fresh Food.

This one may seem like a bumper sticker of a leading food and beverage multinational company. In our lives where days are a blur, we are bereft of eating freshly cooked meals. Take-aways, leftovers from the previous night, a haphazardly thrown together sandwich makes up for your lunch. Or if the cheesy croissant with 3 cups of coffee counts as a meal for you, this time is for you.

Hone at home cooking skills, eat freshly cooked food, spend time with family eating at least one meal per day.

See how well your digestive system will respond and your body will thank you.

Best Time to Start A Skincare Journey

While it is hard to inculcate 10 good habits in one go and it is better to get on with a few and make them your baby steps to lifestyle changes. Bringing Skincare to a highlight thereby.

Beginners – If you are the kind of person whose skincare consists of taking a shower, this is a good time to start to build your skincare daily routine. There is plenty of advice available online which may feel overwhelming. The experts in the industry would agree to the fact that ‘Cleanse, Moisturize and Protect’ is enough to start with.

Don’t dive into the 10-step Skincare Routine right away. Take the time to learn to cleanse your face with a gentle Cleanser. Moisturize it twice daily and protect it with a good sunscreen.

That’s about it. The challenge is to do it every day.

Regulars – You know the routine. Why not add some extra steps? Starting with a mild exfoliant either (physical) gentle scrub or (chemical) AHA based toners which provide regular removal of top dead layer of skin. Wake up to fresh glowing skin. Best time to do masks and catch on good habits like dry brushing once to twice a week.

The Seasoned Skincare Fans –  You know the names of Skincare brands and their products by heart. You even have a ‘shelfie’ full of latest must -have products in the market. You have two options. Take a break. Yes, you heard it right. Your skin could take a short break from all the actives you’ve been treating it with. Just do the ‘Cleanse, Moisturise and Protect.’

The other option is for those who always want to go all out on antiaging. For the ultimate anti-aging addition to your drill, Retinol is the answer. This is hands down the best time to start retinol as you are not stepping out. Skin gets sensitized and more so reactive to sunlight, while using this anti-aging product. Don’t skip the sunscreen, embrace the dryness and purging and walk out of the lockdown period with glowing skin.  We do suggest checking with your Dermatologist or skin Expert before starting any new regime.

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